After connecting your LearnToMod account to your minecraft account here: you'll be assigned a unique server ip address. Don't see it? It should appear in the green square a few minutes after you press the Start Server button. This will be your private server world! After logging in to your world simply give your ip to your friends and tell them to log in the same way you did. Tell them:
- Log in to Minecraft as usual then press Play
- Select Multiplayer
- Press the Direct Connect button at the bottom
- Enter the ip address
- Join server
Your ip will not be static - this is a security feature. After about 10 minutes of inactivity in Minecraft, you will need to press the Start Server on the Server Admin page again - this will give you a new ip.
Keep in mind that 7 users on your server is the hard limit. Anything above that will probably have side effects of lag. (NOTE: This doesn't mean you can share LearnToMod accounts; it just means you can let anyone with a Minecraft account visit your LearnToMod world on Minecraft.) That said, for best results, we don't recommend inviting more than 4 users at a time.
If your friends are unable to join your world, log out of Minecraft, then exit your Server Admin page. If you still see that you're connected on your server page, press the Force Shutdown button (warning: you may lose new world data if this is pressed) or wait 15 minutes.
Then reenter the page, and press the Start server button - you'll be given a new ip. Give the new ip to your friends. You may need to ask your friends to update their minecraft profiles to 1.9.
Here's how to play multiplayer games with them and try out their mods.