**IMPORTANT** There is currently a bug in the Vox-L simulator that prevents users from seeing creatures (entities) in it. The bug is on our Development team's to-do list. There is no ETA -- please keep in mind that our Development is small and working on other projects. For now, test your mods in Minecraft if you would like to see creatures. 

Remember, it's not necessary to test badge mods in Vox-L or Minecraft in order to fully complete a badge tutorial. But it is recommended.

If you see 'Browser does not support webgl' or the Vox-L engine fails to load completely, then try these suggestions:

First, try refreshing the problematic badge page once or twice. If that doesn't work, then try exiting and reentering the badge page. Note: Vox-L can be laggy when you're logged into your LearnToMod world on our Minecraft server and running vox-L at the same time.

Update your browser to the latest version - browsers don't always update automatically. For example, for Firefox go to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/update-firefox-latest-version then try switching to a different type of browser.

Next try switching to a different laptop or desktop (note: it won't work on iPads, tablets, other devices, and most Chromebooks), check if your computer or desktop's system is up-to-date, and check your  firewall settings.


In Firefox, you should see a popup dialogue box when you use the Vox-L engine, that asks permission to take control of the screen. If you have a popup blocker, you may want to disable it.


The final solution is to use the old "Skills and Drills" badge interface (scroll down to the bottom of the main badge index page) and test your mods in Minecraft. To unlock badges in old interface, press the 'Check Answer' button located at the bottom of the badge instructions then test the mod in Minecraft.

If Mods Don't Appear to Run

1. Check all of the mods on https://mod.learntomod.com/programs for missing main functions. main (lowercase) is the keyword that tells our software to begin running mods, and if a mod doesn't have a main function, it will not run and may cause other mods to fail to run in the Vox-L simulator or on our Minecraft server. Either delete or fix it by typing main into a regular function block. 2. Check for and delete any singleplayer / forge mods on your account. 

If a badge has an orange 'load starter code' button at the top of the badge instructions, be sure to press it. Doing that will import mod code from a previously completed badge tutorial. Remember, a mod needs code in it in order to run! Complete the badges in the order they're presented.

Keep in mind that it is currently not possible to see creatures and lightning in the Vox-L simulator. If you want to see creatures and lightning, test the mod in Minecraft.

It's also possible that you need to check your firewall settings, check your antivirus, or disable a popup blocker. 

Vox-L is Running Slowly

For the best user experience, don't attempt to run mods on our Minecraft server and in the Vox-L simulator at the same time.  If that doesn't solve it, try updating your browser to the latest version. 

How Vox-L Should Work

When you click a Vox-L badge, you may need to wait a minute or two for the world to load and generate. If it doesn't after a minute, refresh the page. After everything loads, you'll see the buttons (play, mod, etc) in the lower left corner. Next, double click on the Vox-L screen. The world will move around and rotate - to stop it from moving around, press the 'Esc' key or click on the purple pause button. Also do this before pressing the load prompt button on the badge instructions or before loading mystery mods. When you're ready to run the mod, click on the purple play button then press the letter 'm' key. Any advanced level mods should be tested in Minecraft. On some badges, you may need to break 1 block below the groundlevel of a mod in case a block spawned underground. And right now, items may not appear in the inventory bar in Vox-L. NEW: Access the new inventory bar by pressing e. 

To get clear mods in vox-l or stop old mods from populating the vox-l simulator screen, exit then then re-enter the badge - the easiest way is by exiting the browser tab or window that LearnToMod is running in. If that doesn't work, go to mod.learntomod.com/programs and look up the badge by its id number (this is the first set of numbers in the badge's url) and then delete the mod.

How to Use the Player Chat Functionality 

- write your mod.

- click the "execute" icon (green triangle in lower left corner of screen)

- press keyboard "m" to run the command when prompted.

- press keyboard "Esc" to get your code back on the screen, code is still running, though there is no indication of this.

- press keyboard "/" (slash) to get a text entry prompt at the bottom of the screen.

- press keyboard "Enter" to submit your written text, Chat or command to your program!