LearnToMod supports texture editing! We have a in-browser texture editing tool for your use, located on the LearnToMod homepage. 

Navigate to the texture editor by clicking on the 'Play' tab at the top of the LearnToMod homepage, then select 'Texture Packs'. Or click on My stuff  >Texture packs > Make packs. On the texture packs index page, either make a new texture pack or edit previously created packs; hovering your mouse over texture packs you've made will bring up shortcut options to view, edit, delete or rename it. 

However, do not rename individual mages within the texture you are editing. 

Here's a demo video about how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92_HS-cPtys -- or this video is shorter length and not as outdated.

In the editor, search for the vanilla texture you want to modify then change the texture's hue, saturation, opacity, etc. If you can't seem to add color to your texture, hold-left-click on the color tool. IE and Safari users may see a bug where none of the colors appear in the texture editor.

After committing to any changes you make to the texture, press the Deploy button. There will then be instructions in the editor on how to add the texture to your world.

You can either copy/paste the /js code and run it in Minecraft, or copy/paste the editable text in the texture block into a new mod.

If going with the second option:

1. Put the texture pack block in a new mod - edit the block so it fits the (Nickname-TextureTitle) format . The text should match exactly. For example, if the texture you want to use is: http://mod.learntomod.com/program_profiles/1128052 then the text in the texture block should be: carlosiscool-super_simple_craft

2. Don't forget to give the mod a main function (lowercase) otherwise the mod won't run.
3. Hit the gray deploy button after creating your texture pack. Otherwise your mod won't run. The Deploy button is located at the top of your texture pack's edit page after you commit changes to your texture.

Note: If your texture isn't appearing in Minecraft after these steps, then read this.

If you want to use the texture on a Minecraft world that's not connected to your LearnToMod account: go to your texture's page, click the change/edit button then the download button. Do not rename any of the images in the file.

If the images in the texture editor aren't displaying in your browser

It's possible you were redirected to the http:// site by mistake. Type https://mod.learntomod.com/editable_image_groups into the url field not http:// and if that doesn't solve it, try switching browsers or using an incognito window.