If you are in any way displeased with LearnToMod, you can request a refund and cancellation. To do this, email customer service at contact@learntomod.com with your receipt. Paypal users can cancel subscriptions by going to their paypal account: here's how.

We can always use more feedback; If the the reason you're unhappy with the software is because of a technical issue, we would love a chance to collect details on the problem or better yet, try to fix it. 

To be applicable, request the refund within one month of being billed by us. Exceptions may be made in some cases.

NOTE: If more than one credit card was used to purchase LearnToMod, or you paid more than $29,99 usd per year for LearnToMod, please let us know so we can ensure all of your LearnToMod subscriptions have been cancelled.