This is the freeplay mod section. This is where you can write your own mods from scratch. Select a code language, then enter a title, and start creating! (Note: it's not possible to make singleplayer mods right now)

Anytime you hit the mod button on a badge, a mod will be saved to this page. If you hit the mod button several times on a specific badge, those copies will also be saved to this page.

On the freeplay mod section, you'll also see a list of your mods. By hovering the cursor over a mod, you can quickly delete, rename, pin, or view the mod or go directly to the editor screen. Pinning a mod will add it to the top of your personal user page. If you 'view' a mod, you'll be taken to that mod's program profile page. 

Program Profile Page

Each mod you create or copy will be viewable on a unique program profile page. This means you'll be assigned a unique url for each mod you create. For example, Get to a mod's program profile page, by mouse hovering over a mod and clicking the View button. 

There are other options on this page -- you can star (favorite) it, rate it, go to the user's stats page, and click the </c> edit code button which will take you to the editor screen. If the mod belongs to you, you can edit the mod's description and picture (this is useful if you decide to make it viewable to to public) 

Finding your Mods

To see all the mods saved on your account, look on the LearnToMod homepage -- click on 'my stuff' > write a mod' or click on 'play < mod' at the top of the screen. At you should see mods you've made from scratch and mods you've copied and badge mods. Finding a specific mod on this page can be done by using the sort functionality at the top of the screen -- search by keyword or sort by name or date. 

TIP: Entering " from_builder " into the search by keyword field will bring up all your badge mods (except mystery mods). To bring up all your mystery mods, search for " badge_correct ". To search for a specific badge mod, type the badge's id number into the search by keyword field. This number is the same number in the badge's url.

A complete list of your mods can also be found on your LTM user page and by clicking the Account tab on the LearnToMod homepage. 

Public vs. Private Mods

At the top of this page there's also an option to make your mod 'public' or private. Making a mod public will make it available only to LearnToMod users to view and copy - they'll be able to rate it as well. Also, your mod will also be posted to an automatic feed in the LearnToMod Forum, in the Forum category 'Published Stuff', so that other LearnToMod users can comment on your mod and offer constructive criticism. By default, all your mods are are private until you declare otherwise. Public mods are also viewable in the published mods section.

Your User Page

All of your mods and stats in one place! Your LTM user page can be reached by clicking 'Social < My Profile' on the topmost navigation bar. From here, view your stats, which badges you've unlocked, and which items you've bought from the Artifacts shop. At the bottom of this page, you can find all your textures, schematics and mods, by using the sort functionality or by keyword searching. All your pinned mods (remember the pinned button?) will show at the top of this page. This page will be viewable to other learntomod users, and will show them your stats, your public mods and content, etc. They can reach your user page by typing into the url field. Or when other LTM users search the public mods section, and click one of your public mods, clicking the blue square button will take them to your user page.

Copying and Editing Mods

Pressing the edit </c> button on a mod you've created will take you to the editor page where you'll be able to actually write your code and perform more actions on your mod! But pressing the edit </c> button on ANOTHER LTM user's mod page, will automatically 1. add a copy of the mod to and your user page 2. take you to the editor screen, where you can edit the mod and perform other actions on it.

What actions can you perform when in editor mode? Use the dropdown menu at the top of the page. Actions include copy, undo, rename, share/send, edit profile, delete, and test in simulator. It should save automatically - to take sure, click on the white space until you see a green 'saved'.

Sharing Mods

To share a mod, first make sure the mod is public then press the share/send button on the mod's editor screen or copy the mod's 'program profile' url.