Tentative instructions for uploading LearnToMod-created texture packs to a non-LearnToMod Minecraft server.

You will need a copy of Minecraft's vanilla 1.9.2 textures folder (a clean copy). You can download one from planetminecraft.com. Next, you'll replace any images in this clean textures folder with your edited texture images, one at a time.


1) On the LearnToMod homepage, click play then Textures. On your Textures page, mouse hover over the texture and select Edit. Click a texture image -- the editor screen will pop up. Click download. 

2) When you save the image to your computer or laptop, save it as the original image name. It should match the original vanilla texture image name exactly. (Ex: In the editor you edited glowstone to look like pizza but the image is still named glowstone).

3) If you don't already have a .zip compressor software like winrar or 7zip - download that.

4) Create a new folder (in whatever location you want just remember where it is) with whatever name.

5) Find your .minecraft folder which will have an assets < textures folder in it. Run a search for it if you can't find it. Search for %appdata%

6) In the .minecraft folder, go to Versions and select 1.9.2 then right click the .jar file and open it in 7zip. Drag out the assets folder and the pack.png file and put in the folder you created in step 4. Look for a pack.mcmeta file. If you don't find one...

7) In a new text document on your computer (you want this file to end in the .txt file extension so use 'Notepad') The file only needs to contain:

"pack": {
"pack_format": 1,
"description": "Insert your texture pack description here"

8) Going back to the folder created in step 4 ... the following should be placed inside: the assets folder, the pack.png file and the mcmeta file. Look at the example texture you downloaded from planetminecraft to see what this should look like. If you're changing a bunch of images at once in the same texture pack you could create the following nest of folders: (assets and everything in the assets folder)

9) Next, replace the existing texture image (ex: glowstone) in your created folder with your new, edited texture image(s) (ex: glowstone). Keep the name(s) the same. Delete the older image(s) so there's only one of the same name in the folder.

10) Right click, select and zip all the files in the folder you created.

11) Open Minecraft and press play. Select options then resource packs.

12) Click the open resource packs folder button on the launcher. Then drag the zipped texture pack file you created into the resource packs folder. or drag the zipped file into the 'drag here' area. Click done.

13) When you click the resource packs button again on the options menu you should hopefully now see the newly added texture pack.

14) Then in the options < resource packs menu on your launcher, drag the texture pack from the (left) 'available' section to the (right) 'selected' section. Then press Done.

15) In Minecraft, go to your world - if the texture doesn't load, press f3 t


1) Download the texture images you made on LearnToMod. (Select a texture on the LearnToMod textures page,  click edit, select an image, click download)

2) It should most likely appear as a folder in your downloads. Drag the folder out onto your desktop. 

3) Acquire or copy an unaltered texture pack. 

4)You may need to unzip it. Inside the texture pack, copy and paste the images you created on LearnToMod. Delete the older duplicate images, but do not rename the images. Each texture should have its old unique name, 

2) Zip the folder if necessary.

3) Login to your Minecraft launcher and press play. On the main menu, click options then resource packs. 

4) The resource packs menu should show the default textures (unless you already have another resource pack installed). 

5) Now click on open texture pack folder. It should open up finder. In there should be either 1 or 0 files. 

6) Drag that texture pack from your desktop into that folder.

9) If this is successful, it should appear in the texture pack area. Click on it (It might take a few seconds) and it'll change right away.