A lot of students in our in-person workshops use Chromebooks, so we've started piloting a Chrome app of Vox-L


This version is a lot faster on low-graphics laptops and Chromebooks. If Vox-L is running too slowly for you, consider downloading this app! However, this version is free so many of the badge tutorial lessons aren't built into the app yet. We've started creating our own curriculum to use alongside the Chrome app, but you can always also just copy the YouTube video URLs of whatever LearnToMod lessons you're working on & follow along with the Vox-L Chrome app. To do that, right-click the video when the video starts playing and select 'open in a new tab' or 'copy url'.  


As a reminder, using the Chrome app by itself won't be enough to unlock badges on the LearnToMod website, but it can still be a useful teaching tool.