On each badge index page, each sub category tab will update automatically with the percentage of badges successfully unlocked (or completed) in that category.
Or on the badge index page, click on the gray 'Overview' tab too see a visual bird's eye view of badges you've completed. Completed badges will be colored and the rest will be gray.
Or click on the 'Account' tab in middle of the Learntomod homepage / dashboard to see which badges you've completed.
Whenever a badge undergoes major revising (bugs that need to be fixed, etc) sometimes this will affect the progress bars and progress percentage bars for that badge. But if you'll look at your Account tab, you'll see the badge is marked as still unlocked on your account.
Note: If you have already completed the "Skills and Drills" badges and your badge progress on it is missing, scroll down to the bottom of the main index page and click on the "Skills and Drills: Old Interface" icon to see your old badge progress. Your badges will be copied over to the new Vox-l sequence sometime soon.